السبت، 16 أكتوبر 2010

Psoriasis and sexual health

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It can be hard to feel desirable when your body is covered with the results of psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to mature too rapidly, resulting in thickened areas with silvery scales. Although the disorder can affect people of any age, most cases of psoriasis begin between ages 15 to 35 - prime time in an adult's sexual life.

Genital Psoriasis  Genital psoriasis, whether on the labia, penis or scrotum, generally doesn't flake as much as lesions elsewhere, showing up instead as reddened areas that can itch intensely. Steroids have the tendency to cause skin to thin. Because skin of male genitalia, in particular, is naturally thin, doctors often prescribe non-steroidal creams and ointments for genital psoriasis, such as Protopic (tacrolimus), Elidel (pimecrolimus) and Dovonex (calcipotriene).

Men coping with genital psoriasis may find more comfort wearing a condom, which not only can preserve lubrication but keep abraded skin from becoming more inflamed. Men with genital psoriasis who wear a condom should apply lubricant prior to applying the condom. Men and women using psoriasis medications on their genitals are advised to wash medication off before sexual intercourse and re-apply afterward.

Talk about it up front  Most people fear that the disease will take someone by surprise. By putting it out there, you’re taking control. You might say, 'I'm having an outbreak' with great confidence, or if you have the courage, show it to someone. The anxiety and stress around the disease will ease up.

Focus on the pleasure  It’s a matter of tuning into the situation, focusing on your partner and the joy you are creating together, and allowing any self-conscious thoughts to disappear .
See also Ways to say i love you

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