الأربعاء، 20 أكتوبر 2010

Smoking can trigger psoriasis

Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, including psoriasis, and it has been widely considered as an important preventable cause of morbidity. However, little is known about the effect of smoking on psoriasis severity. studies have shown that smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day by men who are psoriasis patients may be associated with a more severe expression of disease in their extremities. In addition, smoking among both men and women who are psoriasis patients has been shown to reduce improvement rates. These data demonstrate the importance of discouraging smoking, particularly among psoriasis patients.

Over 4,000 different chemicals are present in cigarette smoke. Many of these are carcinogenic, or capable of causing changes in the genetic material of cells that can lead to cancer. Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, an addictive chemical, and carcinogenic tars. Tobacco smoke contains many harmful  components such as carbon monoxides , nicotine and polycyclic hydrocarbons (ex benzo[a]pyrene)  . Cigarette smoking can induce several disease such as
1-Cardiovascular Disease, Coronary artery disease (2-4 fold risk) Stroke (2-fold risk) and Abdominal aortic aneurysm.
2-      Cancer, LUNG (90%), bladder, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx (voice box), esophagus, cervix, kidney, lung, pancreas, and stomach, and causes acute myeloid leukemia
3-      Lung,  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [ COPD (>90%) ] , Other -including an increased risk for infertility, preterm delivery, stillbirth, low birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) .

In a multicenter case-control study, they reported an increased risk of psoriasis among smokers and ex-smokers compared with subjects who never smoked. It has been hypothesized that excess mortality is also related to alcohol intake coupled with smoking among psoriasis patients. The effect of cigarette-years on psoriasis severity was stronger for women than for men.

It has long been known that smoking induces functional and morphologic alterations in polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and it may also cause an exaggerated release of chemotactic factors. Some studies have shown that cigarette smoking induces an overproduction of interleukin 1β and increases the production of tumor necrosis factor α and transforming growth factor β, which have been associated with psoriasis severity and support the dermatologist’s recommendation to patients with psoriasis to quit smoking to prevent worsening of their psoriasis.

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